Top 10 Critical Coaching Website Best Practices to Grow Your Clientbase

Coaching Website

Do you have a coaching website that captures peoples attention and gets results? Based on studies, it takes people less than 5 seconds to form an opinion about your website.

You may have done up until now, but you feel there are many more people whose lives you could change. You want to reach more people. We offer a website design for life coaches so you get a site that delivers new leads and customers.

A website with one graphic on a home, about and contact page isn’t going to cut it for any coach. A website works for you 24 hours a day seven days a week. Do you have one yet? Do you combine your social media to connect people to your site?

If you want to take your coaching to the next level,  you want social media and a website at their best.

Are you passionate about spreading your coaching services to as many clients as possible? If so, here are 10 critical best practices for your coaching website.

Top 10 Critical Coaching Website Best Practices to Grow Your Client base

We’re sharing the best practices to grow your client base on coaching sites. We are giving you tips, tools, and technology for your coaching website.

In today’s online world, if you don’t follow best practices, you won’t reach as many clients. If you don’t reach as many clients, you won’t change as many lives as you could have.

When is the last time that you looked at best practices, if ever? Here are the best practices to grow your clientbase with your coaching website.

1. Home Page

What is the first impression of your home page when people reach your page? You will want to think about the first graphic and tag line you show people within the first 10 seconds. You want to grab and keep people’s attention.

Some of these website builders offer hosting and templates for your coaching website. You may choose to do it yourself, but there are many web design services for solopreneurs that can do it for you .

They are both simple to use even for a non-traditional website creator or designer.

They offer coaching templates by themes that include drag and drop to add text, images, and videos. You will find yourself with an improved website in no time.

2. Branding

The best coaching websites include layout, colors, themes across each page. This increases the know, like it, and trust factor for your clients and future clients.  This will improve you, your credibility, and your brand.

3. About Page

People generally fear the unknown. It is important to gain trust as soon as possible. One way this is done online is your about page. There are three ways you may position your about page on your coaching website.

Some life coaches choose to have an individual about page about them. Your about page should include about you, why you started, and client results.

If you are growing your coaching, you may have a personal and/or business brand. You will want to include the business, what services you offer, and how they may work with you and your team. In some instances, there may be both a business about page, as well as an about page about the founder and team.

Set up your about page for what makes the most sense for you right now. You may update it in the future

4. Include Testimonials

Did you know that 82% of people will research a purchase online before they buy?  This gives a whole new meaning to “window shopping”.

That is why what problems you solve and what you offer must be clearly communicated on your website. You want to have testimonials on your site and/or start or continue to ask for them.

You will want to think about how you ask for testimonials upfront. You will also want to have a clear outline and incentives for clients that contribute them. Keep in mind that over 70% of Top 100 search results include videos now.

Set your coaching website up for success with testimonials that matter.

5. Google Friendly

You will want to set up a strategy for your coaching website to be google friendly. 75% of people never go beyond the first page in search results on google. To start working on your rankings, you will want to learn about search engine optimization and how to work smart. For example, use long-tail keywords vs. short tail.

For example, if you use a keyword like “coaching” with a brand new coaching website with little to no content and backlinks, you will see results. In comparison, if you use a keyword like nutrition coaching for women in Atlanta this will help you rank higher.

It is also important to know that over 70% of google searches include long-tail keywords just like this. They also yield over 30% conversion rates.

Work smarter, not harder.

6. Blog Consistently

Posting a blog consistently may help increase your clients by 126%. You want to get people to your website and keep them there and a blog is a great way to do it. First, you will want to get consistent with your posts. You could start posting content twice a week consistently on your blog. Do this for 30-90 days. This will help increase your traffic too. Keep in mind your long-tail keywords for content creation.

You will then want to challenge yourself to blog consistently three times a week with 1000 words and/or outsourcing it. The ultimate step you will want to aim for 30-90 days after this is blogging 4 times a week with 2000 -2500 words per post.

Based on studies for first-page google rankings, each website delivers 16+ posts monthly with 2000-2500 words per post. The average post in the first position consistently delivers over 2500 words. Keep in mind, these factors alone will not guarantee you the first position. 

There are a number of factors that come into rankings like consistency, time, and backlinks. However, this will help you increase your reach and clientbase of your coaching. The key is to be consistent with content creation and remember content is king. You will see results over time.

7. Get Social

People may find your website via Google, but that isn’t the only way. Use your social media to invite your clients to your coaching website.

This could be going live,  stories, posts, testimonials, highlights, and sneak peeks on social media. If you aren’t on any platforms yet, you may want to start with 1-2 platforms.

If you don’t use social media platforms, you will miss out on increasing your clientbase. 

8. Mobile Friendly

You also want to make sure your coaching website is mobile friendly.

With people researching purchases over 81% of the time on their phones, it is likely their first impression of you may be via a mobile website first. You don’t want to miss out on increasing your clientbase.

Lucky for you, most website builders make a mobile-friendly site easy to create.

9. E-Mail Opt-In

At a bare minimum, a coaching website best practice is to have a newsletter with an opt-in for an email.

59% of Business to Business Marketers said e-mail is their best marketing channel for revenue generation. E-mail lets you connect personally with your tribe.

It is also a great way to keep people on your website engaged and offer value. In the future, you want to think about freebies to offer as well.

10. E-Commerce

The next level for your coaching clients is to offer them guides, online courses, or physical goods.

The basics of what you will need to include an online storefront, shopping cart, and payment processor.

Website Best Practices to Grow Your Client base

These coaching website best practices will set you up for success in every way to grow your client base. You can see how we have applied many of the best practices on this live coach website

Don’t you owe it to your clients and future clients to take this seriously? Don’t you owe it to yourself? Take action now. 

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