The Importance of Effective Website Design for Business Coaches

Website Business Coaches

Websites, in general, are essential for business coaches today. However, if the design isn’t quite up to par, the website isn’t going to be as effective and won’t lead to new clients. Business coaches need to ensure their website has the following essential elements to create more leads that can become new clients. We also offer website design for life coaches and can build an effective site for you.

If you already have a website for your coaching business but your not sure if it’s up to par, try using our free Website Checker checker tool for a quick audit.

Simple Design

A simple design is a must. Potential clients aren’t going to stay on a website long if it’s too busy or too difficult for them to find the information they’re looking for. Organize the website so everything isn’t on the first page, but make sure all essential pages are easy for potential clients to find.

Visible Logo

The logo is a part of the branding for a business coach and should be easily visible on every page for the website. Keep the logo simple as well and use bright colors to get the visitor’s attention so they’ll remember and recognize the logo later.

Essential Pages

The website should include all of the basic pages visitors might look for. The “About Us” page tells visitors about the business coach, and the “Pricing” page lets them know what they might expect to pay for business coaching services.

A “Frequently Asked Questions” page can give them answers to questions they might have, and a “Testimonials” page can let them see what prior or present clients think about the business coach. A “Contact Us” page should also be included to make it easier for visitors to reach out to the business coach. You can examples of this on the site Living Your Best Life After 50


A website without photos is boring. Include photos, but make sure they are related to business coaching. General photos can be used, as well as photos of the business coach, their clients if permission is obtained, as well as the office where the business coach works. Infographics and other visual aids can also break up text and provide more interest.

Social Media Links

Social media links can help create more interest and give visitors more information. Small “Share This” links enable visitors to share content they find is helpful, which can lead to more visitors for the website. Larger social media links inviting visitors to view the business coach’s social media accounts can encourage the visitor to follow them, which helps encourage them to become a client. Learn more about social media strategy.

Quality Content

High-quality content helps in several different ways. The content shows visitors the business coach is an authority in their field and can be trusted. It also gives them more information about what the business coach does and how working with one can be beneficial. Content is also useful for optimizing the website so it ranks higher in the search engine results, which can help draw in more visitors for the website.

As a business coach, it’s important for you to have a well-designed website to bring in more clients. Follow the tips here to design an effective website for a coaching business that’s going to lead to more visitors and more clients. The more effective your website is, the more successful your business can be. For more information about what converts buyers on your website, check out this article from Forbes.

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