Which One Wins? Wix vs WordPress for Work-Related Sites

Wix vs WordPress

Are you building a website for your business? As a beginner, the process seems very complex. The best first place to start is with a content management system or a CMS.

A CMS is a program that optimizes content creation and management. CMS programs also have the convenience of web design, responsive quality, and website security.

Two of the most popular CMS options are WordPress and Wix. These programs are famous for their blogging convenience but they also support business websites. However, they each have significant differences.

Which CMS program should you choose? Here’s your Wix vs WordPress guide.


Wix is a web development platform that was founded in 2006.

Website owners can easily create and manage a website made with HTML5 code. Wix websites are optimized for all devices and are famous for their drag-and-drop content creation system.

How does Wix compare to WordPress? Continue reading for more information.

Easy to Use

As mentioned previously, Wix is famous for its drag-and-drop content creation system. This makes Wix far easier to use than WordPress.  You don’t need to know how to code or have other complex web development knowledge.

Keep in mind, Wix doesn’t offer the customization that WordPress offers. But these customizations require either coding knowledge or support from various plug-ins.

Unless you seek services from a web designer, it’s difficult for a beginner to use these customization options.

In addition, Wix has a variety of beautiful starter templates that are completely free. They’re simple to use and are made for those who are inexperienced with web design.


Another benefit of Wix for first-time website owners is the low price. For their unlimited and pro services, you’ll pay between $14 and $19 a month. WordPress charges $25 a month for their business plan.

Wix’s plan also offers similar benefits to a WordPress plan. This includes a free domain for a year, ad removal and video optimization.

As mentioned previously, Wix’s content creation and design process are extremely simple. This means you don’t have to spend extra money on a web design package or a premium theme.

Offers Direct Support

If you build your website directly on the platform, Wix offers support.

If you experience any web issues, you can easily submit a ticket on the Wix website.

You can even attach a screenshot and other media that helps the support team solve the issues. Wix also offers a contact option if you need to directly speak to support.

WordPress doesn’t offer support. You have to go through a third-party WordPress support service or ask the hosting company (if you use WordPress through web hosting).

Wix Manages Maintenance — Not You

In order to have the best performing WordPress website, you have to download updates and you may also have to continually update your plugins.

Wix does all of this work for you. Unlike WordPress, Wix doesn’t go through external developers. This makes it easier for them to manage all maintenance and updates.


While Wix has its benefits over WordPress, you can’t deny that WordPress are the head honchos of CMS. WordPress is the most popular and commonly used CMS program in the world.

24 new posts are published on the WordPress system every second! Here are some of the biggest WordPress benefits.

WordPress Is Better for Established Businesses

When looking back at the Wix benefits, they focus heavily on an easy-to-use, affordable, and DIY system. All of these benefits are targeted to a small business or a business owner who’s managing their first website.

WordPress is better for businesses who are already established and know what they’re doing.

They have the budget to hire web developers, designers, and a content marketing team. WordPress designs are diverse and WordPress offers a myriad of plugins for businesses in all industries.

Better for Bloggers

What if your business is your blog? Then WordPress is your best option.

Bloggers rely on more than just their incredible writing and content creation skills. They need to use SEO, optimize their blog for all content, and they need a flexible CMS system.

WordPress offers all of these benefits. A blogger can download powerful SEO plugins such as Yoast, integrate media such as video and photos, and they can use WordPress to monitor crucial website facts such as their traffic.

What if you just run a business blog? Just about every content marketer you’ll meet has WordPress experience. You can also utilize the same SEO plugins and other benefits that a traditional blogger uses.

More Design Options

While Wix has beautiful and responsive templates, this is nothing compared to what WordPress design.

WordPress offers a variety of free and paid themes and they offer themes for every industry and blog niche you can imagine.

If you require a more unique design, then that’s no problem. More web developers and designers are well-versed in WordPress.

Better for Ecommerce Businesses

If you have an e-commerce business, you can use WordPress for most of your store’s functions. This is made possible with plugins such as Woocommerce.

These plugins integrate with WordPress so you can sell your products, design your website, and manage your store on WordPress. Ecommerce plugins even offer more benefits such as shipping and tax options.

E-commerce companies can use Wix. But they’re limited.

Speaking of plugins…

A Plugin for Your Needs

Plugins have been mentioned throughout this article. But what are they? Plugins are software that includes functions not featured on a traditional WordPress website.

We mentioned plugins that assist with functions such as SEO and e-commerce.

Other plugins help assist with functions such as lead generation, analytics, landing pages, design, social media and third-party app integration, and other popular functions.

Wix vs WordPress: Which Will You Choose?

Both Wix and WordPress offer many benefits to your business’ website. Eventually, you’ll have to choose Wix vs WordPress. Hopefully, this article helped you understand which CMS platform you need.

Did you choose WordPress? If so, contact us to design your new WordPress website.

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