What Are Website Managed Services and Why They’re Better for Your Business

Website Managed Services

Are you looking for a new website for your small business? Have you started looking for places to host and build your site?

If your answer is yes, then you know the options are limitless. With so many places to host a site and many ways to design and develop one, how do you know what will be best for you and your business?

Website managed services handle all your website questions and needs. They are an all-in-one website solution that help with the first designs to the final product.

But your website doesn’t end there. Managing your website involves a lot more than just designing your site and setting it live.

Website managed services help with content updates, security, marketing, and much more. They can automate most updates and processes for you, giving you more time to spend on your business.

If you’re a small or medium-sized business in need of a new website, then look no further. Here’s everything you need to know about website managed services and how they can help your business!

What are Website Managed Services?

Website managed services are an outsourced service that manages every part of a website. This includes everything from first designs to the upkeep of the site long after the site goes live.

Many people often forget that the design and development of a website is only the first step in creating a website. Afterward, the site needs constant maintenance to maintain good SEO rankings, keep content fresh, and update security. This is where website managed services play a valuable role in helping a business.

While good design and simply having a website are both important, it’s maintaining the site that boosts your business’ ROI. You need to keep content fresh and up-to-date to keep people interested in your site. You also need to maintain good security and keep up with website updates to keep your site relevant and accessible.

Here’s exactly what website managed services do for small and medium-sized businesses.

Website Design & Development

Website design is the first thing most people think about when planning a new website. It’s also one of the fun features of a managed website packaged. It makes the designing process easy as you don’t need to know how to code to get create a site with the features you need.

A website service offers all-in-one packages. They include design themes, development, and site review to improve optimization. They’re professionals in the design industry meaning your site will be professional, aesthetically pleasing, and provide a great user experience.

The best part about website managed services is they don’t stop after they design and develop your site. If you’re looking for web design services for a law firm this is your safest bet. . They’ll continue to manage and care for your site long after it goes live. 

Domain Name & Hosting

Hosting is the server space where your website data and information lives. It has a fast and reliable connection to the internet which allows people to visit your site.

Finding the right hosting company is a confusing process. There 8 main types of website hosting:

  • Shared web hosting
  • Reseller hosting
  • Virtual private server (VPS)
  • Cloud-based hosting
  • Dedicated web-server
  • Self-service hosting
  • Managed WordPress hosting
  • Colocation hosting
  • And more

Fortunately, managed website packages make this process a little easier. Most companies will offer their own hosting and help you find the one that fits your budget and website needs. Most will offer 24/7 security, automatic updates, and website backup.

After you select your hosting, you’ll need a domain name. The domain name is the name of your site or business followed by a “.com,” “.org,” or “.net.” The “.com” is the most popular for searchability.

Finding and acquiring a great domain name is a competitive and almost cutthroat process. Again, managed website packages can help you find an available domain name and acquire it for you.

Updating Content

Your business is changing, right? Whether it’s a new business product, service, or event, your website needs to be up-to-date with all your latest business news.

However, constantly updating your website can be a time-consuming process. Most small businesses don’t have the time or the resources to constantly update their website.

To alleviate this, website managed services pair your site with a CMS (content management system) to help make changes quick and easy. Many management agencies can do this for you while also assisting with your marketing strategies. You won’t have to worry about writing code or accidentally deleting anything.

Keeping your website’s content relevant will keep visitors on your site and improve conversion. You’ll also spend more time on your business’s products and services rather than updating your website.

Website Backup

When you’re working on a project on your computer, you’re constantly saving it, right? Well, the same goes for your website.

Websites are vulnerable to cyber attacks, server issues, and network issues. Not having your site backed up can cause you to lose your entire site.

Here are 3 major reasons why you need to have a backup.

1. Accidental Data Loss

As humans, we make errors. Have you ever accidentally deleted something you didn’t mean to?

If you or a coworker is working on the website and accidentally erases something, this can be a huge setback for your company. With a backup, you can recover the lost data and get your website back within minutes.

2. Reduce Profit Loss During Downtime

This is a major issue for e-commerce and other businesses that make money through sales via their website. Whenever your website is down, you’re missing out on valuable sales. A backup can reduce your site’s downtime and prevent you from losing any profits.

3. Site Renovations

Websites store a lot of data, and the older they are the more data they have. This includes everything from images and product pages to content.

Backing up your site will help you save this valuable data and time when you need to renovate your site. You can reuse the content from your old site rather than build one from scratch. The other helpful part is you’ll have a backup of your old site accessible should you accidentally remove content or loose data.

There are many 3rd party backups to choose from. To save you time and money, most managed website services include a backup option in their package. If they do, it’s one part of your website you should invest in.

Website Security

As mentioned above, websites are susceptible to malware, cyber attacks, and more. To keep your site safe, you need some form of website security. This is especially important for e-commerce sites where sensitive data is constantly used.

Besides having some form of web security, it needs constant updates to prevent any new threats. Updating website security manually on your own is both time-consuming and easy to forget. Many website managed services will automatically include security plugins and will update them as needed.

Analyze Website Performance

Did you know that 53% of site visitors will leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load? The longer it takes a site to load, the more visitors will leave causing you to miss out on prospective customers.

Is your website loading fast enough? And if not, how can you get it to load faster?

As you add more content to your site, it will begin to slow over time. This is because it has to retrieve more information from the server, the longer it will take to load. Causes include everything from too many plugins and heavy graphics to high website traffic.

Website managed services will make sure your site is performing at its best. When your site starts to slow down, your managed website provider will review it to find what’s slowing it down. After, they’ll provide you with different options to improve speed and boost website traffic.

For best results, most website services will run monthly and quarterly tests and analyze other areas of your site’s performance. This includes SEO, visitor traffic, and conversions.

From there, they’ll plan a strategy to improve any weak areas. They’ll also help you strategize a plan to reach and convert more potential customers.

Improve SEO

Almost all website managed services come with a basic SEO package to make your website searchable on the web. Basic SEO includes:

  • Indexable website structure
  • Proper keywords in HTML elements such as tags
  • Well-developed site map
  • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
  • Quality inbound links
  • Good use of redirects
  • SEO tracking

Some services will offer optional SEO development services tailored to your business. This includes researching niche keywords in your industry to boost your SEO. Blogging is a popular strategy that is great for improving traffic and gaining more conversions.

Improve Your Website with Managed Services

Are you ready to improve your website’s performance and have more time to spend on your business? Website managed services are the perfect solution for any business looking to improve their website and gain more customers.

We have many website management options to fit your company’s budget and needs. Let’s get in touch and start planning on how to improve your website today.

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