Our Website Management Packages: The Complete Guide

Website Management Packages

Do you have a website? Does it increase your bottom line?

It should.

Almost two-thirds of small businesses use their websites to connect to customers. E-commerce sales account for 47% of total global sales. Eighty-three percent of US shoppers used online search before going to a store.

If you can’t trace a single dollar of your revenue back to your website, then it’s time for a change.

If you don’t have a site then how do you choose the right one? There are thousands of so-called professionals offering web design for solopreneurs. Do they have the experience to fulfill your particular needs?

This guide to our website management packages outlines how we can make your website work for you.

Website Strategy

We have a plan to make your website a success.

Most small businesses have little to no experience to promote themselves online. They need support, especially at the early stages.

That’s why we have a three-part plan.

We’ll not only create your website but also market and maintain it. That’s essential in today’s competitive marketplace.

Our website management services deliver:

  1. Professional web design for doctors or any business built to your requirements
  2. Website optimization to rank high in Google
  3. A marketing plan to generate sales

Prepare for Success

Before lifting the phone to call us, you need to do some homework.

Summarize everything your business does and what you want out of your website. Research your competitors. Search for similar products and services online.

Gather your marketing materials. Brochures, catalogs, business cards—anything with your brand. Then take a deep breath and make contact with our friendly staff.

Assess for Success

We’ll begin by assessing your business objectives. That includes defining your customer base and their expectations.

We want to know about your competitors too. Do they have a website, and how do they rank in Google? How can your site do better?

If you already own a website we’ll ask who it’s currently hosted with. Passwords and technical details would be useful here.

Want to update your brand? Now’s the time to discuss this.

Plan for Success

Next, we’ll create your digital roadmap.

This is the blueprint of how best to put into place your Internet strategy. It takes into account website copy and marketing needs.

We have over 20 years of experience in website management. Believe us when we say this plan will work.

New Optimized Website Design

It’s time to bring your business to the digital world. Following the agreed roadmap, we’ll create a website that matches your business branding. Here are some key features of all our website managed services.

Sales Targeted Website Design

We don’t create pretty brochures. The goal is to drive a visitor to buy online, contact you, or visit your store.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimization is a common buzz word, but what does it mean?

Google currently has a 92.07% market share of all online searches. If your website doesn’t appear on the first few pages, then traffic will remain low.

Optimizing for Google, i.e. building to follow their guidelines, means you’ll see higher visitor numbers and sales.

Fast load times, targeted keywords, optimized titles, fitting color palettes—these are all important factors. We know what Google wants and will share our proven expertise with you.

Mobile First

More and more online business is done through a mobile device. Over half of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poor mobile website. That’s why we develop mobile-first.

Our responsive websites work well on any device: smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers. Whether a screen is four inches or forty, you can guarantee your business will look good and work well.

Super Speedy Secure Hosting

Your website needs a place to live, and we’ll build it a secure home.

With high uptime and scalable solutions for when your site gets busy, our website hosting can manage all your needs.

Manage site statistics using our analytics tools. Everything is optimized and monitored. Rest assured your site will remain online even when others fail.

Website Managing With WordPress

Our websites are powered by WordPress, the largest content management system in the world.

Over 409 million people visit and shop on WordPress pages each month. Your business will take advantage of this proven technology.

For a full list of features built into all our websites visit our web design section. 

Website Content Management

Initially, we need your input in creating the content for your website. Help us by bringing together all the copy/text for each page.

Here’s a list of four common pages and what to consider:

1. Homepage

The main portal to your site. This should say who you are, what you do, and how the customer can buy from you.

2. Contact

Your contact details including phone number, emails, and address. Also, think about fields for a contact form.

3. About

An interesting history of your business. What makes you better than the rest? What makes you unique and trustworthy?

4. Blog

Latest news about your company, industry, product announcements, etc. You’ll also need a catalog of your products and services. Please consult with us to assist you with this.

Once all your content is ready, we’ll add it to your website. 

Website Management

Don’t you hate going back to a website and seeing it’s exactly the same?

So do your visitors and so does Google. One essential element in optimized website design is to ensure content is kept fresh.

Most small businesses don’t have the time or expertise to update their own website. Don’t worry. We manage that for you.

Forward us the content, and we’ll add it. Need a page removed? No problem. Our team of professionals can also guide you on the content you’ll need.

We’ve developed a website optimization checklist to assist. This free download gives guidance on copywriting for your site. It outlines best practices and offers tips to convert visitors to sales.

Online Marketing Strategy

Websites won’t work without an effective marketing strategy.

Our staff are seasoned digital marketers. We understand organic SEO, SEM, AdWords, backlinking, and more. If none of these terms make sense, that’s why you hire the professionals to market your business online.

Your website will include:

  • lead capture popups
  • integrated email newsletter
  • reviews and ratings
  • contact forms and more

Google AdWords can convert 50% better than organic results. We offer landing pages for your search engine marketing campaigns.

Monthly Reporting

Track your marketing spend directly from your inbox. We’ll send you monthly reports on your site’s traffic, Google results, and conversions.

Reliable and Ongoing Support

For your peace of mind, we offer ongoing technical support.

Our website hosting packages include daily backups. This means you can quickly resume business should the worst happen. Your website updates will be applied automatically to keep you safe from online threats.

Website Management Packages to Suit Your Business

For one low monthly price, your business can succeed online.

There are no large up-front costs either. You’ll have dedicated support and access to our unique marketing knowledge.

There’s not a moment to lose. Contact us today to get started. Our website management packages make your site work for you.

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