5 Easy Ways to Get More Leads From Your Business Website

More Leads Business Website

It’s obvious that you should be using your business website for lead generation. Otherwise, what is the point of having a website?

Lead generation doesn’t come automatically, and it’s not as simple as throwing a ‘click here’ button on the homepage. As a business owner, you will need a strategic approach to lead generation when optimizing your website.

Continue reading below to find out exactly how to get more business website leads.

1. Analyze Your Current Lead Generation

Before you do anything else, it’s important to assess your current lead generation. This is important when it comes to tracking the progress of your optimization. 

You will need a starting point to measure from. Make sure you identify the pages that have the highest levels of website traffic, this will be important later.

Collect information about which pages generate the most click-throughs or sales conversions, and which do not.

2. Use Forms on Your Website 

Now that you have identified which pages on your website receive the most traffic, use forms to capture information.

If your ‘About Us’ page receives the most traffic, then add a form into the page to collect email addresses for email marketing. You may find that one of your social media pages receives the most traffic, so your lead generation efforts are better focused on your social platforms to direct traffic to your website.

3. Measure Lead Generation 

Measure which of your lead generators is contributing to your business the most. This could be your website landing page or a CTA on the ‘contact us’ page.

For example, if you have 2 landing pages, and one performs better, then question why.

If landing page 1 gets a 10% conversion rate, and landing page 2 gets a 1% conversion rate, then work out what the difference is between the two. Then, edit landing page 2 and see the conversion rate rise over time.

4. CTA On Your Homepage

Your website is designed to attract the attention of a potential customer and the CTA ensures they stay on your website.

Try offering a free trial, or an introductory discount on your products or services to lure consumers in and generate leads.

Try CTA’s like ‘Subscribe for Updates’, ‘Try Us for Free’ or ‘Sign Up for a Discount’. This will get your consumers to hand over their email addresses and take a look at your products or services.

5. Live Chat Service

This is a great way to convert live traffic into leads and sales. Many consumers or potential clients will have questions about your product or service that they would like answers to before buying. 

Offering a responsive live chat service will ensure any traffic on your website has their questioned answered promptly. You can also direct them to specific products or services and encourage a lead through the chat.

Improve Your Business Website Leads Today!

Follow our handy tips above to start improving your business website leads and increase your revenue. Optimizing your website to increase lead generation is a great way to improve customer experience and increase sales.

For more information on website optimization, take a look at our packages.

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