How To Publish a Newsletter with MailPoet

Every WP SiteKit Managed Website comes with the email newsletter tool, MailPoet. It is set up with a template to match your company brand and ready for you to create and send your business email newsletters. Here are the instructions for you to publish a newsletter with MailPoet.

1. Log in to WordPress

Log in to your WordPress website.

2. Open MailPoet

Go to WP Admin > MailPoet

MailPoet in WordPress

3. Click “Add New”

Click the “Add New” button

Add New MailPoet newsletter

4. Create a Newsletter

Under Newsletter click the “Create” button

choose MailPoet newsletter

5. Choose “Your saved templates” Tab

Click click on the “Your saved templates” to see only the saved templates.

MailPoet templates

6. Select Your Template

As a client of WP SiteKit we should have created a custom branded template for you. Let us know if you need any changes to it.

Select the email template we custom designed for you by clicking the select button.

choose your template

7. Type the email Subject

Type the subject line of your email newsletter.

newsletter subject field

8. Type the Preview Text (optional)

The preview text is the shown to the reader under the subject line under their email reading program. It’s optional.

email preview text

9. Edit Intro Paragraph Text

Click on the intro paragraph text to edit it and type or paste your content.

paragraph text in MailPoet editor

10.Add Links

To add a link first select the text you want to link out. 
Click the link button. 
Enter the link URL. 
MailPoet link

11. Add an Image (optional)

If you want, you can add an image. 
Start by dragging the image icon from the right column to where you want the image to appear. It must be above or below the current block of text. You can not add an image in the middle of a block of text. 

MailPoet image module

12. Add an Additional Paragraph of Text

Add another paragraph by dragging the Text Module from the right and dropping it near the bottom of your newsletter where you want to paragraph. Click on the text to edit it.

Edit this to insert text

13. Click the Next Button When You’re Finished

When you finished editing your newsletter, click the “Next” button.

when finished editing, click the next button

14. Choose List: Website Subscribers

On the Final Step under Lists choose Website Subscribers.

Website subscirber guide

15. Choose to Schedule It For Later or Send It Now

(Optional) Click the “Schedule it” check box and choose a date and time to send your newsletter.

Schedule it for later or send it now

16. Click the Schedule or Send Button

Click the Schedule or Send button to finish the process.

click the schedule or send button


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