You’re Not Pressed for Options: Here’s Why to Use WordPress over the Other Sites

Why Use WordPress

There is a reason 33.1% of all websites on the internet are built on WordPress.

Once a simple blog-builder, WordPress has expanded to become the most successful content management platform in the world. Part of its success is due to its devoted following. But it’s also achieved greatness because of the results it can bring businesses and entrepreneurs.

Compared to other website builders, WordPress was the best CMS 2018 buyers relied upon, hands down.

Are you debating why to use WordPress? Here are some insights that should help you decide.

What is a WordPress Website?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS). It’s also an open-source website creation tool. That means developers can create their own apps and plugins for the WordPress interface.

Although it’s primarily used for blogging, WordPress is highly customizable. This has attracted numerous businesses to build their own customized sites on the platform.

WordPress website design starts with a theme. But once that’s in place, the possibilities are endless. If you have a good designer on your side, you can build any website you want.

Why to Use WordPress

These days, it’s tempting for small businesses to use a DIY website builder. They’re cheap and they promise to deliver a website in a matter of hours. Not long ago, only half of all small businesses even had a website, and many are still trying to catch up.

But often, this is a dead-end route. Not only are DIY websites not scalable, but they also lack features.

WordPress gives you a huge list of options. While this can be intimidating, the plugins, themes, and designs are easy to leverage with the right developer.

Here are the reasons you should choose WordPress.

You Can Scale a WordPress Website with Plugins

Like the DIY platforms, you can bring a basic WordPress site online in a matter of hours. Once it’s live, you can install plugins to and other assets to add more functionalities.

For example, do you want pop-ups on your WordPress site? There’s a plugin for that. You can create CTA buttons, forms, dynamic images, and much more.

Most importantly, plugins allow you to scale. As your business grows, you’ll need new capabilities. If you’re still relying on a basic DIY website, you won’t be able to build in the tools you need to capture more business.

WordPress is Ideal for Organic SEO

WordPress is one of the friendliest website builders for search engine optimization (SEO). SEO plugins are easy to find and install. Many are made by reputable companies, such as Yoast and SEMrush.

With these tools, you can automate SEO and make manual tasks a snap. All your fields are easy to find and fill in. You’ll never have another page missing meta description or image alt tags.

The best plugins even help you analyze your keyword usage.

It’s Easy to Publish New Pages and Blog Posts

New blog posts and web pages are at the core of every content marketing strategy. But there’s nothing more frustrating than needing to convert everything into HTML before publishing.

WordPress bypasses much of the hand-coding process. Writers without any web design experience can publish blog posts using a template. Additional tools make it fast and easy for your developers to make new web pages.

You Can Implement Marketing Best Practices Quickly

Your website shouldn’t be static. It should work for your business. That means people who arrive on your website should convert and turn into leads.

WordPress lets you implement every digital marketing best practice easily. For example, you can do the following marketing tasks:

  • SEO
  • Backlinking
  • Data analytics
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing

If you need help, trust in a team of expert WordPress experts to expand your capabilities.

The Best WordPress Themes are Mobile-Friendly

These days, you must have a mobile-friendly website. In 2018, 52% of all website traffic was generated via mobile phones. And that percentage has been climbing since 2009.

WordPress themes, like plugins, are developed by third-party experts. They’re designed to play specific roles. For example, if you’re an eCommerce business that sells to consumers, there are plenty of themes that will allow you to set up shop online, build a mobile-friendly site, and ensure faster load times.

WordPress Has a Massive Community of Developers

One of the unrivaled features of WordPress is its vibrant developer community. In fact, this is part of the reason why WordPress has gained so much popularity. Unlike proprietary web builders, anyone can create their own WordPress plugins.

Since its start in 2003, WordPress has been a favorite of developers because of its versatility. There are tens of thousands of plugins, each with their own purpose. These plugins are updated and refined regularly.

Many plugins and themes have been active for over a decade. Now, you get to reap the rewards.

Plugins, themes, and other WordPress tools are scrutinized by the community. You can check ratings before downloading anything, so you always know you’re getting quality products. Together, these plugins create the core functionality of your website.

For example, you can build a stack of plugins that do the following:

  • Capture contact information with forms
  • Keep your website secure
  • Optimize images
  • Block spam comments
  • Optimize pages for search engines
  • Build Google sitemaps
  • Accept payments
  • Add pop-ups and sliders
  • Provide analytics
  • Integrate social media share buttons

With the right team on your site, you can combine plugins to build a WordPress site that’s built for your business goals.

Get Started with WordPress Web Design

WordPress is the most versatile CMS on the market. You can do well with DIY website builders. But if you go the DIY route, you’ll miss out on the many opportunities the WordPress community has to offer.

Most importantly, you can’t expect the same ROI. With a WordPress site, you can start seeing results faster and scale as your business grows.

Still wondering why to use WordPress? Contact WP SiteKit today for a free consultation to discuss your vision for your website.

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