Quick Guide to Get New Customers to Your WordPress Website from Search Engines

Get New Customers WordPress

You’ve taken a step into the worldwide market called the internet. But how do you attract customers to your site as you do for your brick and mortar store? 

Keep reading this quick 7 step guide to learn how to get on Google search.

You might also want to use our website checker to analyze you’ve already published.

1. Pick Keywords on UberSuggest

Choosing the right keywords is key to making your pages rank effectively. One great tool you can access is UberSuggest

All you have to do is type in your site’s domain so you can instantly find which keywords are most effective to add to your content.

2. Write and Publish Articles About 1500-2000 Words Long 

Content marketing is one of the best resources to increase your WordPress Google rankings. This is because you have more content to rank with.

And as an added bonus, a website full of helpful insight helps you increase customer trust and gain sales long-term. 

3. Use Yoast SEO Plugin to Search Engine Optimize Pages

Yoast SEO plugin a great resource filled with helpful website features. For example, it helps you prevent outdated and duplicate content. 

Its premium version helps you find good internal links and manage redirects. These attributes will help you polish your site so that you can steadily rank higher over time.

4. Publish 2 to 4 Blog Posts a Month

One of the best pieces of how to get on Google search advice is to post consistently. Consistency shows potential customers that your business is reliable. It also gives them a reason to come back to your site on a regular basis.

2 to 4 blog posts a month is a good range to consider and will help increase your rankings and gain customers from the search engine. 

5. Give a Free Download Offer Asking for Their Email

Some customers can be cautious when it comes to personal info, such as their email address. It is unlikely that they’d give it out for no reason. 

This makes a free download the perfect incentive. Not only will it get you their email address, but also their trust long term as they benefit from the free insight you gave them.

6. Contact Every Person That Takes Your Free Offer 

Personally contacting the people who take your free offer is a great way to connect with them in an authentic format. 

Reaching out to potential customers confirms to them that you value their business and will reply to them if they have any questions.

7. Continue This Process for 3 to 6 months and Measure Your Results

Strong WordPress Google ranking takes time no matter how you do it. However, if you keep applying this process consistently for 3 to 6 months, your good habits are much more likely to pay off. 

Afterward, make sure to take the time to measure your results so you can see the impact your efforts made.

How to Get on Google Search 

Gaining business from the worldwide market of the internet isn’t an impossible task, and by following these tips about how to get on Google search, you’re setting your business site up for success! 

Need any help? We’d be happy to assist you in your online business endeavors. This is all included in our Managed Website Service.

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