How Much Does a WordPress Website Cost? Crunching the Numbers

WordPress Website Cost

Your small business is ready to launch its own website and join the 24 million that use WordPress. This management website software has exploded in popularity due to its adaptable plugin features and open-source status.

Although you may have heard that the software is free, creating and running a website requires more fees and services than WordPress alone. That begs the question, how much does a WordPress website cost?

Don’t be blindsided by the surprising fees, unexpected complications, and monthly charges that come with creating a WordPress website.

From web hosting to plugin subscriptions, we’ll cover every expense individually and help you and your small business get the most out of both your website and your wallet.

How Much Does a WordPress Website Cost?

WordPress can create and run the website, but it can’t do it alone. For starters, you need to choose a web host that has the technology to make your website accessible on the internet.

You’ll also need to register your domain name. Once your website is hosted on your new domain, it’s time to design your website. Additional plugins and features will raise the ultimate price tag, especially if you’re creating an e-commerce store.

But before you even choose your web host, you should know what you want out of your website. This will help you determine the best hosting and plugin features so you don’t purchase more services than you actually require.

1. Host Your Website

Choosing your web host and service options will determine the stability and health of your website, as well as its file space. Some providers even have special WordPress-specific options, such as installing WordPress for you. We call this our Do-it-Yourself Website Kit.

WordPress hosting prices can vary. Simple web hosting for a small website typically runs around $8 a month. But if your website will utilize e-commerce or host large videos, you’ll likely be paying significantly more for extra storage space and an SSL certificate.

While it is possible to self-host your website, it would require your own hardware such as a dedicated personal computer or server. Even for small websites with few features, visitors will generally have a better user experience running on a web host’s architecture. It’s also much less work for you.

2. Register Your Domain

A website domain is the URL address, the part of the website beyond the www. Ever wonder how someone snags a great domain name (and why all the good ones are taken)? The answer is simple: They’re paying for it.

Domain names cost money. Some of the most popular domains have cost companies tens of millions of dollars. But don’t fret. For your small business, you’ll be paying little more than a token fee so long as you choose the right domain name.

An average domain name costs as little as $10 a year. If your small business doesn’t have its own physical address, you’ll likely want to pay a bit more for some additional options.

Once you register a domain, your private information — such as your name and address — is linked to your website and available online for anyone to find. For around an extra $10 a year, you can opt for extra privacy protection to keep this information secret.

It’s well worth the price.

3. Design Your Website

Free WordPress themes are available, but they only offer the most simple of options and won’t be of the best quality. For somewhere around $70, you can pay for more robust themes to really make your website pop.

For the best website quality, it’s in your best interest to utilize a professional web designer. Rather than skimming through WordPress themes to find one that suits your business, a professional web designer can create an original design for your website according to your exact specifications.

We keep things easy for small businesses and offer professional web design as part of our website creation service.

4. Choose Plugins and Other Features

A plugin is a component that can be added to the base WordPress software. These components bring enhanced features that don’t normally come with WordPress.

Some of these are services that can link Google Analytics to your site, such as MonsterInsights. Others may offer social media compatibility or optimize your web pages for the best SEO.

While many of these plugins are free, others have base fees or a subscription model. An average plugin costs about $50 in the form of a flat fee. Just five of these plugins will cost you $250.

It’s easy to get carried away, looking through the tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available. Stick to your original website plan and don’t subscribe to more plugins than you truly need.

Leave It to the Website Professionals

A WordPress website costs more than just money. If you aren’t tech-savvy, it’ll also cost a significant amount of time. What’s worse is your website won’t have the features, design, or SEO capabilities that a professional could bring you.

Optimizing a website is hard. If you try to do it on your own, you might not make the right decisions about web hosts, domain names, or plugin features.

A professional’s touch can also offer you smart content marketing, newsletters, and advertising that can bring in new website visitors and convert them into customers.

Your time is worth more than you think. Our professionals provide a one-stop, all-inclusive service for your small business needs. Check out our packages and prices and trust us to create the best WordPress websites for the best price.

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